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Browse publications that feature strategies and interventions for addressing behavioral health issues. These publications highlight specific approaches to providing services such as patient assessment, integrated care, medication-assisted treatment, suicide prevention, and reentry support.

Prevention, Treatment, Suicide, Publications

Drugfree- Treatment Options

Treatment & Recovery
Realizing that your teen or young adult child needs help for his or her substance use can be scary and overwhelming. Let us help.


     The purpose of this website is to educate families and the community about prescription drugs and some potential consequences of misusing, abuse or overusing prescription drugs. This includes taking any prescription medications that are not prescribed to you which is also illegal.   My goal is  help people better understand the disease of addiction and the recovery process and thus bring people suffering from addiction and their families and friends hope for the future. This website is a collection of links and resources. 

Navigating the Pathways of Addiction to Recovery


Pill-Mill Tip Line DEA's 24 hour tip line  
& How to dispose medication             

National Drug Take Back  
Locate a Prescription Drug Drop-off Box
In Your Area 

  • Fentanyl, an opioid, was originally intended as a strong pain reliever used in hospital. It is in the same family as heroin, morphine, methadone and codeine.
  • Fentanyl is around 50 to 100 times more toxic than morphine.
  • There is no way to detect by looking at it if fentanyl is in other illicit drugs.
  • Carfentanil is a synthetic opioid normally used as a sedative for large animals.
  • It can be 100 times more toxic than fentanyl.

drug abuse, additction, drugs, Recovery, Treatment, identifying drugs, what are drugs, addiction
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