Suicide Prevention

Website Title
211 Tampa Bay Crisis Center

Since 1972, the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay has been committed to bringing help, hope and healing to people facing serious life challenges. What we do and how we do it has changed dramatically over the years—and it will continue to evolve—but there is one thing that has never changed: the extraordinary dedication of Crisis Center volunteers, donors, and staff.

Speak confidentially.... Suicide Information

211 Tampa Bay Crisis Center

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Browse publications that feature strategies and interventions for addressing behavioral health issues. These publications highlight specific approaches to providing services such as patient assessment, integrated care, medication-assisted treatment, suicide prevention, and reentry support.

ACE Suicide Prevention Program Info- Veterans and Family

The purpose of ACE is to help Veterans, their family members and friends. Learn that they can take the necessary steps to get help.

The acronym ACE (Ask, Care, Escort) summarizes the steps needed to take an active and valuable role in suicide prevention.The purpose of ACE is to help Veterans, their family members and friends. Learn that they can take the necessary steps to get help.

ACE Suicide Prevention- Veterans and Family
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Get help, Stories, Resources, Join a chapter, Learn the facts

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

At high, but not low levels of PTSD symptoms, more days using marijuana predicted increased PTSD symptoms over time and the likelihood of suicidal behavior.
Results suggest marijuana, especially for military personnel experiencing elevated PTSD symptoms may negatively impact suicidal thoughts and behavior. 

Interactive effects of PTSD and substance use on suicidal ideation and behavior in military personnel
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline